Private Adoption:
Private adoption matches prospective adoptive parents with birthmothers who are seeking to place their babies for adoption in Manitoba. Private adoptions are open, which means full disclosure of identities. In private adoption birthmothers choose a family to parent their child. If you are selected, you will meet the birthmother, exchange information, and maintain some form of ongoing contact. Adoption Options works with both the birthmother and prospective parents throughout the process leading to an Order of Adoption being granted.
For more about Private Adoption read Pursuing Private Adoption and the Frequently Asked Questions about Private Adoption.
Intercountry Adoption:
Intercounty adoption is an adoption from a country other than Canada. In an intercountry adoption, Adoption Options acts as the local agency preparing all of the documents required to create the dossier. Adoption Options partners with facilitating agencies to provide the “in-country” portion of the adoption services. Adoption Options can only work with countries where the adoption is finalized in that country. Adoptions that are finalized in Canada must be completed by CFS, for example the Philippines.
For more information please review Pursuing Inter-country Adoption and the Frequently Asked Questions about Intercountry Adoption.